Supporting Local This Holiday Season Without Breaking The Bank

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When it comes to the holidays, it’s easy to feel like you don’t have the bandwidth (or the cash) to support all the local businesses you would like to.

We all have friends with small businesses, local charities and artisans, and sometimes we get so caught up in supporting them in a big way that we miss opportunities to support them in a smaller way instead.

Today we’re here to share a few ways we’re supporting our friends in business during the holiday season.

Skip The Big Box Stores

Choosing a small local shop instead of going to a place like walmart can feel immediately like you’re going to end up over-spending your holiday budget, but that’s simply not the case.

While a big box store has everything you need, smaller stores will have a curated line of high quality goods and gifts for every budget instead.

Take some time to enjoy the season by browsing the small boutique shops in your area.

Grabbing your coffee/teas/treats from small local businesses as opposed to franchise

Again, this one takes a little bit of bending your old habits. When you see a Starbucks or Tim Hortons, it’s easy to pop in and end up picking up treats while you’re on the go.

This sort of habit is engrained in our everyday life. We see our favourite big-name coffee shop and decide to pop in. Most of us even think the coffee there is cheaper than at a smaller chain.

Instead of making a stop at a big chain, take a look around for local shops. Use this opportunity to bring your friends along to treat them to some locally roasted coffee and your company during the mad holiday rush.

We could all use a minute to slow down and reconnect, and choosing a local shop has a major impact on the business of your choice.

Giving a shout out to your fave local businesses on your social media feeds

Loved your last yoga session? Shout it from the roof on Twitter.

Enjoyed the service at that coffee shop? Post about it on Instagram stories.

Don’t have the money to go to a workshop but want to show your support? Share the heck out of it on facebook.

When you choose to support your local businesses by sharing their information online, you are acting as an organic influencer. All your friends who trust your opinion are more likely to support those businesses because of your recommendation.

It’s easy to think that a simple ‘share’ or ‘retweet’ doesn’t do anything, but it has a huge impact on the bottom line for many small businesses.

If you have an extra minute, reach out to them and ask if they have a sale coming up that you can promote. Pass the good will along to your own networks.

Giving your favourite entrepreneurs and small businesses 'likes' on social media

No time to share sales on facebook? Taking time to like or follow your local businesses on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter gives those businesses more reach.

It might not seem like much, but social media likes hold weight with some people and it’s a huge help.

Host an event for small business owners to attend and connect with other like-minded individuals

Hosting an event for small business owners is a great way to represent yourself in the business community.

Have a monthly meetup you already attend? Ask if there is a way to make it approachable for small businesses to participate.

Have a running group? Open it up to small business owners looking to get their running shoes on.

Own a coffee shop? Host a mixer.

This one takes a little more time but it creates vital connections for your peers in business.

Subscribe to your favourite small businesses' mailing list

Small business owners put a lot of thought into their newsletter. I myself work tirelessly with my assistant to make sure our content is useful for our audience twice a month.

Signing up for newsletters not only shows your support, but it also gives you access to content you can share to support local later.

Offer some free coaching or mentoring to new businesses or entrepreneurs

Own a business yourself? Maybe this is a good opportunity to open up some of your time for mentoring or coaching new entrepreneurs.

It makes your business look amazing and gives others the opportunity to connect with your community.

We’re all stronger when we grow our businesses together, afterall.

Spread the word and share your positive experiences with your family, friends and followers.

Leaving a positive review is one of the best things you can do for a small business. With most people checking online for validation before choosing a place to shop or eat, having those 5 stars means the difference between getting business in the door or not.

Have a great experience you want to share? Now is the perfect time to do it!

So that’s our list of things we recommend for helping small businesses this holiday season.

Did we miss something? Comment below with how you’re supporting your local businesses!


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