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7 Ways To Celebrate Women In Business 

Today is International Women’s Day, a global day of celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. International Women’s Day (IWD) started in 1911, supported by over a million people. Today, IWD is celebrated worldwide to raise awareness against bias and take action for inequality. 

March is also Women’s History Month, making it the perfect time to commemorate the strong, passionate women who overcame challenges and paved the way for the rest of us to follow our dreams. So today I want to shine a light on women in business and how you can support them every day! 

7 ways to celebrate women in business year-round: 

Share On Social Media:  

Sharing on social media is one of the easiest ways to support women-owned businesses all year round. Tagging them in your posts about their business, commenting on their feeds and tagging friends on their posts to share the word means a lot to these business owners. 

This kind of interaction goes a long way but doesn’t cost anything. 

Leave A Review: 

Leaving a review for your favourite women-owned businesses on social media or Google can have a huge impact for their business, especially if they don’t currently have a lot of reviews. This lets people know that they are someone trustworthy to work with, and helps them stand out from the crowd. 

While a simple 5 star can help, consider leaving a comment as well about what you love most about the business. Your review could be the tipping point for someone else deciding if they want to support this business or not. 

Shop With Them: 

Next time you are in need of an item or service, consider buying it from a women-owned business. Choosing the gifts and products you buy regularly with the intention of supporting a locally owned women-led business can inspire others to do the same. (Don’t forget to post your purchases on your social media feeds to spread the extra word!)

If you’re looking for help with what to post on your social media channels, check out my own Connect & Conquer Club right here. 

Host A Conversation: 

Invite a group of women that you know or admire within your community and give them an opportunity to gather and connect. 

Whether you host a chat on zoom, a lunch or a casual gathering, aim to bring women together with the purpose of connecting, collaborating and supporting each other. 

Join Women’s Organizations: 

Join a women’s organization in your community or find one online. Plenty of networking organizations support women in business and female entrepreneurs. Locally I recommend Center for Women and Business

Mentor A New Business Owner: 

If you’re in business and you have the capacity, consider mentoring a woman in business. Providing someone just getting started with valuable insight or a friendly sounding board can do a lot to support a fellow business owner. 

Be a Business Owner yourself: 

Do you have a talent or experience that you think could benefit others? Start your own business! This could be a side hustle or a completely new gig for you. 

Even though these actions seem pretty small, they can go a long way for a small business owner, especially one who is just starting out. You as an individual have the power to make a difference for women entrepreneurs so today and every day support the women in your lives!