5 tools to create video content

It’s no secret that we’re seeing more and more platforms give preference to video content. From Instagram becoming a ‘Video Platform’ (despite the obvious push-back from long-time users), to TikTok becoming one of the most-used platforms for business, video isn’t going anywhere. And while you may know that video content is important, for most small business owners and entrepreneurs, knowing how to do it is a whole other story! 

For most, they simply don’t know where to start, which is why they haven’t started at all. I was once in your shoes (and sometimes I’m still in your shoes) but thanks to technology tools and apps, it’s easier to make videos without spending hours on end trying to figure out how!

Before we start by telling you our favourite apps and tools that we use at KA Social Media, it’s important for you to make a few decisions before jumping in!

Here are some of the questions and decisions you will need to make before filming:

  • How am I going to film this video? Will I use my phone camera or an actual camera? 

  • Will I film it myself or will I need help?

  • Will I do the video live or pre-recording it?

  • Where do I film the video? Office? Outside? Restaurant/Coffee shop? Rent a location?

  • What will I talk about?

  • Will I need a teleprompter?

  • Am I going off on a whim? I am writing out the whole script of the video?

Once you have answered these questions, you can then decide what the best tools and apps are there for you. Personally, I shoot on my EOS camera using my tripod, light and mic and always have my iPhone on standby!

There are many levels in the video editing world—from beginner to expert, from storyteller to clipper. Videos aren’t all simple, and they fall into dramatically different categories. Here are the tools/apps that I use:

My top 5 Video Creation Tools: 

Wave Video: 

I’m not sure how I discovered Wave Video, but I love it and have it used off and on for years! I do have the paid version but you can do short videos on the free version. I love all the templates and examples and how easy it is to adapt to your own business. There is also a monthly content calendar which could make content planning very easy for any business!


I’m not sure that I know any small business owner that hasn’t heard or used Canva! I’ve talked about it before and I will continue to yell about it from the rooftop because it’s so essential for my business! Canva has so many functions and the pro is 100% worth the price! You can edit and create your own videos, use stock footage (pro) or use templates and adapt them to your brand.

Apple iMovie:

I’m an Apple user and all my products are Apple! I have an iPhone, MacBook Pro and an iMac, therefore, using iMovie is super convenient for me! If you are not an Apple user, this may not be for you! I love Imovie because it’s free and easy to use and also I can use it on all 3 devices.


Vimeo is one that I have used in the past and found it user-friendly when I have used it. The pros are that it’s an “instant” video creator. It’s Cloud-based and great for fixing up short clips. It’s great to use when creating ads and promotions on social media. Cons are that it’s not great for longer format videos. There is a fee for Vimeo, so depending on how much you will be using it would decide if it’s worth it for you!

Adobe Express (Formerly Spark)

This is another one that I have used in the past and find it extremely user friendly and easy to create great content for social media on a budget. This one is also cloud-based which includes lots of templates and background music to turn clips into a story. You can use live photos and it has lots of filters. It’s best for for Instagram and Facebook. There is a free version but of course the paid version has more features, templates etc.

It’s time to get started with video

Even though these are some of my favourite apps and tools to use, there are SO many out there! My suggestion is always to do a little trial and error and see which ones feel better for you and which one works best for your business. Most apps have tutorials and when all else fails Youtube is always a content creator’s best friend and can help you out!

The most important thing is just getting started! Once you do, you’ll see improvement with every new video you make. 

Have you used one of these tools or apps after reading this blog post? Tag me in your video or comment below! I would love to see what you have created.


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