Using social media to network online

What do you think about when you hear the word ‘Networking’? Do you get excited about meeting new people, or do you feel nauseous at the thought of leaving your cozy home office? 

Thankfully, I’ve always been a social butterfly. As an extrovert growing up in friendly Cape Breton, I LOVE being around people. Everyone knows your family, and you don’t wait on an invitation to drop in for a coffee. 

So the continued lack of Networking events? It’s hard for me. 

Spending time with entrepreneurs across Nova Scotia is why I’ve had such a successful six years in business so far. For me, it’s the most challenging thing to get used to in these strange times. (Well, other than figuring out how to work around my toddler at home!)

So for people looking to build their reputation and relationships online, networking will look different in 2020.  

Changes in Networking

Anyone who’s started a business before has been told that networking is the key to success. Getting clients means having people who know who you are. 

So what happens when you’re told to ‘stay the blazes home’ instead? 

Well, that cuts a lot of those massive in-person events that lead to new opportunities and connections. Looking at my calendar of what had been planned pre-pandemic--that’s cut seven major events for me this coming month alone. 

That being said, this is no time to panic because there are alternatives available! Because we have a secret weapon on our side. 

Social media. 

Using Social Media To Network

Even after years of working with social media to build connections, there is always something new to learn. 

And I know that just as networking doesn’t come easily to some, social media can be a challenge for others. 2020 has hit some businesses harder than others, and some industries are having a time getting people back in the door. 

Here are a few ways that you can transition to networking on your social media accounts. 

Facebook Networking

Facebook Groups are a fantastic way to connect with like-minded people. There is a group for every topic and industry you can imagine! Join the groups where your customers are. Then engage, participate, and before you know it, you’ll have new leads rolling in. (Want to join mine? Check out this Social Media Tips and Tricks Group here.)

Attend or host Facebook Lives. I know that going live on camera isn’t for everyone, but hosting a Facebook Live means you can engage with a large audience one-to-many. You can answer questions, talk about services or give a free information seminar. The broadband speed is the limit! 

Use Stories. These sit at the top of your audience’s feed, so they’re the first thing they’ll see when they log on! 

Attend or host online events. This isn’t a new feature from Facebook, but there are many new ways to use it. In my Connect & Conquer group, we’ll be covering specifically how to use each of these methods, but you can also find inspiration online with enough research! 

Twitter Networking

Hashtags. There are loads of conversations happening in your industry on Twitter that you might not even know about. Find and follow relevant hashtags and chime in with your expert opinions. 

Online polls. Ask your audience what they need to move forward in 2020. Twitter makes these quick and easy. 

Tag people in your posts. Share their content if it’s relevant, or mention them if someone’s looking for a recommendation. Make sure they know you’re propping them up, and they might do the same for you. 

Use lists. There are loads of articles online on how you can strategically use lists in your industry. They will make building new connections easier; trust me. 

Instagram Networking

One of the most engaging platforms available is Instagram, if you can be real and authentic with your audience. 

Use stories, reels, IGTV. This content is highly engaging and easy to make. 

Go live. This will place your story at the front and centre of your feed and notify your diehard fans that you’re online. 

Check your comments and DM’s. Encourage your followers to comment and DM by actually responding when they do. Continue the conversation!

Comment. For real, though. With so many users typing in ‘great work’ on 25 posts every couple of hours, there is power in real comments. Read the caption. Respond. And continue to engage with your audience for the best results. (You know, like how you would at a real networking event!)

Linkedin Networking

As the king of professional marketing platforms, Linkedin is strangely forgotten more often than not. 

Check your private messages. People reaching out to you on Linkedin might be using the paid marketing services to get into your inbox. But along with that are often people following up for real connections. These might not lead to a sale immediately, but they’re vital for growing your community. 

Groups. Similar to Facebook, you can join groups on Linkedin for your industry. 

Commenting. Showing engagement on LinkedIn is vital to keep your brand top of mind in the industry. The more you comment, the more you’ll show up in the newsfeed of your connections. 

Start small and network steadily

In this case, small and steady wins the race. If you’re not sure what to post, I have a list of things that you can post no matter what industry you’re in to get you started. And as for tackling the multitude of options? Check out this post about 7 habits that will get you started.

Still have questions? Comment below!


Using Facebook Groups for Community Engagement


7 Daily Habits For Social Media