5 Reasons To Consider Using TikTok

Tiktok launched in 2016 and started gaining popularity in 2017, but you might not have considered joining until March 2020 when people turned to the platform for entertainment, learning, education, DIY and of course, dancing videos! 

Business owners who saw the writing on the wall early enough were able to jump on Tiktok and gain monumental awareness for their business with this highly engaged audience.  

Launched in 2016 by the Chinese startup company ByteDance, it’s known there as Douyin. Its stratospheric growth in usage really began in late 2017, when it acquired a rival app, Musical.ly, and ported over its 200 million account list to TikTok.
— Google

Since TikTok has become one of the most popular social networking platforms—so much so that Facebook’s parent company Meta has been caught running anti-TikTok campaigns—let’s chat about what TikTok can do for your business. 


The audience is huge

With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok is the social media powerhouse that every business must take seriously as a marketing tool to promote their products and services.

As one of the most engaging social media apps, TikTok’s ability to reach mass audiences and engagement brings so many opportunities with it!

From a business standpoint, this is an absolute no-brainer!  Since TikTok videos tend to be short and sweet it’s perfect for capturing attention and providing your followers with strategic information about your company.

Here are 5 reasons your business should consider TikTok


1. Reach a Bigger Audience 

The TikTok audience is endless and is growing daily, with more and more people jumping on the TikTok bandwagon, whether they are consuming content or creating it. 

TikTok is viewed worldwide and has the potential for growth at a fast rate. Going viral is happening easier and more frequently on TikTok than on any other platform.

2. Opportunity to show your personality

Different from other platforms, TikTok isn’t as restrictive as professional platforms like LinkedIn so pretty much anything goes! You don’t need to be dressed professionally, your makeup doesn’t need to be top-notch, your hair doesn’t need to be perfect, or have the perfect lighting for a TikTok video to go viral or to perform well. 

TikTok is more fun than other platforms. Even though it’s more fun and has fewer “rules,” it doesn’t mean that you can’t promote business content or be successful by being on there!

3. Higher Levels of Engagement

Because TikTok is currently so popular, engagement happens regularly and pretty easily. If you jump on the trending topics, there is more of a chance that non-followers will see and engage with your content. (Hashtags and catchy songs definitely help too!)

4. Organic Growth

Growth is happening organically on TikTok without putting in all the work that you need to do on Facebook and Twitter. TikTok shows your content to way more people without the effort that is needed on other platforms. 

Here are a few things that are helping your content be seen organically:

  • Using popular hashtags

  • Posting on a regular basis

  • Follow trends

5. Provides a space to get creative with repurposed content

If you have been creating content for a while (courses, workshops, blogs, podcasts, social media posts) you probably already have great content that you can use and repurpose for TikTok. Don’t think you need to reinvent the wheel and create all this new content for this new platform. Look at what you already have and see what could potentially work well on TikTok.

Things to remember when using TikTok:

Be aware of TikTok trends - This is BIG compared to other platforms. If you are creating content that is currently trending, there is more of a chance that TikTok will organically show your content.

Know your target audience - Know who you are trying to reach before you create the content. 

Hashtags - Know which ones are popular and working and use them!

Post consistently - Things happen fast on TikTok! Don’t know too long in between your posts.

Get Creative With Your Brand

Overall TikTok gives you so much freedom to create anything and everything and to showcase your business and your brand in the way that you want to! It’s a space that encourages endless amounts of creativity and a place where you decide what you want to tell the world about you and your business. Give yourself time to get creative, break the rules and look forward to the organic growth that can come from this platform. 

Still not sure where to start? Let’s chat. 


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