2020 KA Social Media Marketing Roundup

It’s a brand new year and while we’re off to a rocky start—we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I love having a fresh new year to look forward to, so to make sure you start your year off right, I wanted to break down my top 7 favourite tips from blog posts in 2020.

1. The importance of planning

Now, this time last year, I was meeting with my team to plan out the entire year. You know, before all things 2020 happened.

While a lot of plans didn’t pan out, it still helped to have a general overview of what I had hoped to achieve. So even if I didn’t manage to get everything done, I can still celebrate my successes.

From The Importance Of Planning: Focus on things you can plan right now and pivot if the need arises. There are a lot of things you can plan, even in uncertain times.

2. Time-saving hacks are key

I don’t know about you, but between the zoom meetings and press conferences, I felt pretty burned out during 2020. So time-saving hacks became my favourite thing while I balanced work and no daycare for part of the year.

From 7 time-saving hacks for social media management: With the number of social media platforms out there, the demographic for each of them are as unique as your own audience is.

Make sure you’re not spending time on a platform if your ideal customer isn’t already using it regularly. Limiting yourself to 2-3 platforms where you know your audience is already engaged means you can spend more time speaking to people who will actually buy from you.

2021 is all about working smart. So save yourself time by focusing on the platforms where you know your audience already hangs out.

3. Connect more authentically

With more time at home without friends, it can be hard to connect about things like your favourite TV show or what’s happening with friends outside of your province.

Twitter lists are one of my favourite business tools, but you can also use them to keep yourself from burning out on social media.

From Managing your time with Twitter lists: Twitter is a great place to build a community of people with similar interests. By using the list feature, you can separate these people by interest group.

For example: you’re a professional writer but you also LOVE big brother? You can create a private list to add all your favourite Twitter users to, so you can have a whole dedicated feed of what they’re talking about when the show comes on. (Or, you have an entire list you can avoid if you haven’t seen that episode yet!)

So start making your own lists to feel more engaged this year.

4. Networking has moved online

While we can see the end of the tunnel, we’re not quite there yet. So networking is going to be on social media for a while yet.

After the successful launch of my first ever Connect & Conquer Club at the end of last year, I love using Facebook groups to connect even more!

From Using social media to network in 2020: Facebook Groups are a fantastic way to connect with like-minded people. There is a group for every topic and industry you can imagine! Join the groups where your customers are. Then engage, participate, and before you know it, you’ll have new leads rolling in. (Want to join mine? Check out this Social Media Tips and Tricks Group here.)

5. Consistency is key

Sometimes all you need to find success online is a little bit of consistency. Instead of rushing at the last minute to make sure you have a post ready to go online, plan your week to include small habits that will grow over time.

For me, getting through 2020 was all about taking consistent little steps that lead to massive growth for my business despite the challenges.

From 7 Daily Habits For Social Media: Remember that social media marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Establishing daily social media habits will help you grow over time to avoid getting burned out on social media.

Having even 100 engaged followers that are invested in you and your brand is much better than having millions of followers who don’t look at your content or engage with you. Start small and before you know it, these habits will become a part of your daily routine.

6. Navigating a crisis can be challenging

As we’ve seen so far, there are still challenges coming our way. So make sure you’re prepared to handle them by keeping in touch with the news regularly.

From 4 Tips to Navigate Social Media During a Crisis: The main change when handling social media during an extended crisis is scheduling 1 week at a time instead of 1 month at a time. Things change rapidly so you need to be checking on your post schedule regularly. Scheduling apps will still help you navigate the ups and downs of this situation, but checking in on them every couple of days between will make sure you’re not promoting something insensitive.

7. Growth happens slowly

Some businesses saw their greatest success in 2020 and some saw their hardest year yet. Whichever group you fall in, remember that social media is a slow race to the finish. Consistently engaging online and spreading awareness of your brand will help you see consistent growth.

My last tip is from 7 reasons you should use a content calendar for your business: A content calendar provides the opportunity to experiment and track results over time. You can see if posting during the Superbowl was a success or a flop, or if sharing the company cat on national cat day managed to get you new followers.

Your online presence should be growing over time—no one is an overnight success—and you should be tracking that progression and altering your content calendar over time to make sure your social media mix is just right.

Find positivity in the new year

Whatever your business plan for 2021 is, I’m excited to see what kind of content you’ll be coming out with! I’m personally looking forward to more collaborations, group programs and teaching than ever before.

Don’t see a tip you loved from last year? Comment below and let us know your top tip to bring into the new year!


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