12 Social Media Tips To Implement In 2021

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The tree is lit up, the house smells like baked goods and there are ‘12 days of…’ posts popping up all over the internet. 

This year, I decided to do something a little different to help your brand sparkle like new snow on social media. 

These are the 12 Social Media Tips of Christmas, to help your business build an audience on social media in 2021. 


Tip #1:

Filling out all the required information on your profiles has always been important. In 2020 it was NECESSARY! Are you open for business? What are your business hours? How do we contact you (Phone/Email) all became required in 2020! Check your profiles and make sure your contact information and business information is up to date.


Tip #2:

Social Media is ALL about visuals! Make sure all your posts include clear, crisp pictures that are appealing to the eyes of your followers.


Tip #3:

82% of people prefer live video from a brand or business over regular social media posts. People want to know who is behind the brand. If you haven't yet, SHOW your face online and hit the live button!


Tip #4:

500 million people use Instagram Stories EVERY DAY. If you haven't embraced stories yet it is time to do so! You can use still images, do lives or pre-recorded videos for your stories.


Tip #5:

Social Media is about being social! It is not a one way street, you need to engage with your followers for them to engage with you! Have fun and start chatting with new people this year.


Tip #6:

Social Media is growing daily. There is always a new brand or business to follow. I challenge you to go follow 5-10 new businesses, brands or influencers that you would like to work with in 2021.


Tip #7:

The hashtag is 13 years old and is widely popular on Instagram and Twitter. Using hashtags can help you be found in a random search and you never know where your next clients will come from! Research popular hashtag for your industry and start using them!


Tip #8:

Social media feeds are busy and if you don't post on a regular basis you can easily be forgotten and lost among other businesses and brands. Posting regularly is essential. If you go weeks between posts, it's unlikely that your audience is seeing your message frequently enough for it to be memorable and make an impact.


Tip #9:

You hear this all the time but what does it really mean? Be yourself online! Don't try to be someone you are not. People will start to follow you for you! They will then start to like you, trust you and THEN they will buy from you!


Tip #10:

Being unique and different when it comes to social media marketing is a good thing! Think outside the box and make yourself stand out from your competitors. What do you offer that they don't and how are you different? Tell your followers!


Tip #11:

Your followers are following you for a reason! They want to get to know YOU and your brand. They want to know who is hiding behind the feeds so tell them your story! Show them who you are and create relationships.


Tip #12:

Don't assume that your followers know who you are or what your business offers are. Be specific and tell your audience " I am ___ and I offer ___". Don't make your followers have to guess if they need you or your services in 2021.

Thinking ahead to the next year is your first step toward social media success. Many business owners that I have taught or coached this year are using the holidays to refresh and plan ahead for the new year. 

Using the tips provided, remember to take your time, implements at your own comfort level and keep going! Small steps make a big impact over time. 

If you’re not sure where to start, book a consult to determine where you’re at currently with your online presence, what kind of content to focus on in the new year and set goals to make sure you’re on the path to social media success.


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