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31 Tips For Small Business Owners

Tip #1: Keep going.

Pat yourself on the back! You are a small business owner and you are doing AMAZING things! Keep going, even when it's hard sometimes.


Tip #2: Find your people.

Build a Support Network, Find Your Tribe... Whatever you want to call them, find your PEOPLE!

The ones who will be there for you in good times and in bad times. They're out there just waiting for you.



Tip #5: Have fun!

Have fun with your social media feeds.

Get a little bit more personal, maybe bring us to your favourite restaurant, your weekly trip to the market or your lazy weekend routines.


Tip #6: Absorb everything.

Listen to what others have to say—friends, family, experts, even yourself. Be a sponge.

You never know what will be useful in the future for your business.



Tip #8: Start your email list ASAP!

Social Media Marketing is great but you don't own any SM platforms and they could disappear tomorrow.

Have a contact list and add contact information as you meet new people.


Tip #9: Find your niche and stick with it!

Trying to do ALL the things?  Feel like you need to be and do everything for all clients?

Discover what you are good at and become an expert at that! Be so good at that specific thing that people won't go to your competitors.


Tip #10: Avoid Distractions at All Costs!

Working for yourself and trying to do ALL the things can be hard. Block out time for each task that you need to accomplish.

Set your email on a timer and set specific times to check social media.


Tip #11: Keep Your Costs Low.

When you are starting off every dollar you spend counts. Make sure you are spending money on the right things and not throwing it away.

You have to spend money to make money sometimes, so choose your investments wisely.


Tip #13: Keep it simple.

Don't over complicate things. Create a simple, quality product or service.

A successful business idea should fulfill promises to customers and exceed expectations.


Tip #14: Show Gratitude.

Be THANKFUL for being capable of being a business owner and/or entrepreneur. Not everyone has the drive and the ambition to be their own boss and keep themselves motivated.

Show gratitude for yourself, toward other business owners and especially for your customers!


Tip #15: Speak up about your business.

Are you telling people that you own a business or are you quietly trying to grow your business?

If you’re worried about what people will think about your business, you need to GET OVER IT! Fake it ‘till you make it is a cliche for a reason. If you really want business success, you can’t afford to be shy and quiet about it.



Tip #20: Schedule meetings with yourself.

You are the one responsible for your company's success or failure. Set time aside with yourself to plan your goals and actionable steps to reach success.  Or if you have made a mistake, take some time to review what you could do differently next time.

You're an integral part of your business. Treat yourself like you are!


Tip #21: Stop multitasking.

By doing one thing--and ONLY one thing--at a time, you'll actually get more done every day. Multitasking causes you to make mistakes, lose track of your tasks and move forward in a scattered way.

Ditch the practice and you'll have a much more productive day, every day.


Tip #23: Make friends with your accountant.

Along with being friends with a lawyer, you should also be friends with an accountant.

Hire them to do your taxes and to answer your questions to keep you out of trouble and out of CRA's office!


Tip #24: Don't jampack your week.

Something ALWAYS comes up, especially when your schedule is full so try to avoid that and give yourself some space to deal with these issues.

When you set expectations for yourself that are too demanding, you end up spending ALL of your time working.


Tip #26: Tell your real story.

Your loyal customers and your future customers want to know the REAL you and they want to know what makes you unique.

Tell them how you got to where you are, what motivates you, what makes your company special. People buy from people they know and like, so get yourself out there so people can get to know the real you.


Tip #27: Take some time off!

This may seem odd to suggest but you can't work 365 days a year!

Burnout is a REAL thing and the hustle can take a major toll on your body. You only have one body and if it's burnt out, then no work will be getting done.

Get some rest, take some time away from your business and get the creative juices and the motivation back in your life.


Tip #29: Trust your instincts

If it doesn't feel right and it doesn't fit with your values don't do it.

Don't take on a client that you don't feel 100% about. Don't venture into a project that isn't exactly what you want to be working on. And no matter what, stick to your values if you find that someone is trying to push you in a direction you don't want to go.

It might be hard or awkward to face adversity when you stick to your guns at first, but it'll be worth it in the end.


Tip #30: Mistakes, you will make them!

Mistakes will happen and even though you may not realize it at the time, every mistake is an opportunity for improvement. You will learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of those around you.

When you're in business, it's natural to want to sweep your mistakes under the rug, but they're a part of having a small business. The sooner you can accept them as a part of running your business, the easier it'll be to pick yourself back up after making them.

To take a look at the whole set, check KA Social Media out on Instagram! Want to set up a similar project for your company? Let's chat!