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Working with Influencers as a Small Business Owner

In today’s digital world, having an online presence as a small business owner is more critical than ever. As a mico-influencer myself with my personal brand, I understand the huge potential that influencer marketing has for businesses of all sizes! 

In this blog post, we will dive into the world of influencers and break down:

  • What an influencer is 

  • Who should work with them

  • How small businesses can collaborate with influencers

  • The crucial aspect of cost

The first question I often get when I ask a business owner “Have you ever thought about working with influencers?” is often about what an influencer is and what it would look like to work with one. 

Even though the term “influencer” is still fairly new, influencing another’s decision has been here for as long as businesses have been around! You used to ask your family, your friends, and your coworkers their opinions on something, but now there is a bigger audience to ask and a bigger audience to influence. So let’s dive in!

What Is An Influencer?

Influencers are individuals who have developed a substantial and engaged following on social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or even in the form of bloggers.

They are trusted authorities in their respective niches and have the ability to sway the opinions and purchasing decisions of their followers. Influencers come in various categories, from lifestyle and fashion to technology, travel, and more.

What sets them apart is their authenticity and the personal connection they have with their audience.

Who Should Work With Influencers?

Small business owners looking to expand their reach and connect with their target audience should consider working with influencers. While larger corporations often have substantial marketing budgets, influencers offer a more cost-effective and highly targeted approach.

The key is to find influencers whose values and audience align with your brand's message.

A successful collaboration can help you tap into new markets, build trust, and boost your brand's credibility.

Ways Small Businesses Can Work With Influencers

  • Product or Service Reviews:
    Send your product or offer your service to an influencer for an honest review. Their authenticity will carry weight with their audience, potentially leading to new customers for your business.

  • Sponsored Posts:
    Collaborate with influencers to create sponsored content. They can showcase your product or service creatively, integrating it into their usual content.

  • Takeovers and Instagram Stories:
    Let influencers temporarily take over your social media account, or have them feature your business on their own account through Stories or Live sessions. This can provide authentic, real-time exposure.

  • Giveaways and Contests:
    Engage influencers in hosting giveaways or contests that require participants to follow both your business and the influencer. This can rapidly expand your online presence.

  • Affiliate Marketing:
    Implement an affiliate marketing program where influencers earn a commission for driving traffic and sales to your business.

  • Guest Blogging and Content Creation:
    Collaborate with influencers to create guest blog posts, articles, or video content for your business website or social media channels. Influencers often have unique insights and a different perspective that can bring fresh, engaging content to your audience.

  • Product Launch Partnerships:
    Work with influencers to unveil new products or services. They can provide teasers, unboxings, or exclusive behind-the-scenes looks to generate excitement and anticipation among their followers.

  • Live Stream Collaborations:
    Partner with influencers for live streaming sessions, such as Instagram Live, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live. You can host Q&A sessions, product demonstrations, or interactive events that encourage real-time engagement with viewers.

92% of marketers believe that influencer marketing is an effective form of marketing.

  • Influencer-Hosted Webinars or Workshops:
    Many influencers are experts in their respective fields. Collaborate on hosting webinars, workshops, or online courses that provide valuable insights to your audience. This not only educates your customers but also strengthens your brand's authority in your industry.

  • Influencer Challenges and Hashtag Campaigns:
    Partner with influencers to create challenges or hashtag campaigns related to your products or services. Encourage their followers to participate and share their experiences. This can generate user-generated content and virality.

  • Influencer-Exclusive Discounts and Promotions:
    Offer influencers unique discount codes or promotions that they can share with their audience. This not only incentivizes their followers to make a purchase but also helps track the effectiveness of the partnership.

  • Long-Term Brand Ambassadors:
    Establish long-term partnerships with influencers who truly align with your brand's values and mission. These brand ambassadors can provide ongoing exposure and advocacy for your business, building trust over time.

  • Product Co-Creation:
    Collaborate with influencers to co-create new products or services. This can involve influencer input on product design, features, or packaging, giving their followers a sense of ownership and connection to your brand.

  • In-Person Events and Pop-Up Shops:
    If feasible, work with influencers to host in-person events or pop-up shops. This creates a physical connection between your brand and its audience, fostering a sense of community and excitement.

What Working with an Influencer Could Cost

The cost of collaborating with influencers varies greatly. Smaller influencers may be open to partnerships in exchange for free products or a small fee.

Mid-tier influencers with a more extensive reach might require compensation, free products, and additional bonuses. High-profile influencers often charge substantial fees.

When working with influencers, it's essential to have a clear agreement in place, outlining deliverables, payment, and expectations to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership.

According to HubSpot, here are the main three different types of Influencers:

  • Macro influencers:
    Macro influencers are a step down from traditional celebrities and mega-influencers. They have a prominent online presence, commanding anywhere from 100,000 to 1 million followers. In addition, they have a broader audience than micro and nano influencers because they cover a range of topics (instead of niching down).

  • Micro influencers:
    More than half of marketers who invest in influencer marketing work with micro-influencers. A micro influencer has between 1,000 to 100,000 followers. Their content typically revolves around a specific topic, passion, or niche, making them respected experts in their field.

  • Nano influencers:
    Nano influencers have the smallest audience of the three, but typically spark the most engagement. These influencers have less than 1,000 followers and operate within a super-niche community. They've built an active and loyal community who are susceptible to recommendations. Typically, nano influencers work with brands for little to no pay, instead receiving free products in exchange for a review or endorsement on social media.

Micro-influencers generate up to 60% more engagement than macro influencers.

My personal brand is considered a Micro Lifestyle Influencer.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kerraaucoin/ and https://www.instagram.com/explorelikeatouristns/

Facebook: https://www.instagram.com/explorelikeatouristns/

Having been on both sides (aka as an influencer and working on behalf of clients) I know what partnerships work and who to work with locally.

If you are interested in influencer marketing this holiday season please get in touch. I would love to help you grow your audience and foot traffic and have various ways that I could help you!

In the world of digital marketing, influencers can be powerful allies for small business owners. Their ability to connect authentically with their audience and the various ways to collaborate make influencer marketing a versatile strategy.

However, it's crucial to choose influencers whose values align with your brand and to be transparent about costs and expectations. By leveraging the unique strengths of influencers, small businesses can expand their reach, build trust, and ultimately, thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

Are you still wondering if your business would benefit from working with influencers? Who should you hire? Who should you invite to your event? Where do you even start with an influencer marketing campaign? I have some openings for this holiday season and would love to get you on the right track. Book your discovery call here: https://www.kasocialmedia.ca/meeting-intake and let’s get started!