10 Things That Spook Your Audience On Social Media

Having been in the social media industry for over 12 years, I feel like I have seen it all! The good, the bad and the downright spooky. 

Your efforts on social media are often the first time a potential customer is exposed to your business or your brand and you want to give them a great first impression, right?

In the world of social media, capturing and maintaining your audience's trust is number 1.

The digital landscape is changing and evolving daily. As a small business owner or entrepreneur, understanding what should be avoided—aka what spooks your audience and makes them run for the hills—is crucial to creating engaging, successful campaigns and lasting customers.

Here are 10 things that may be haunting your social media presence and how to avoid them:


1. Overwhelming Content

Flooding your followers' feeds with excessive posts can be overwhelming and instead of drawing them into your feed and your content—you are pushing them away without meaning to. 

I always recommend quality over quantity when it comes to posting on social media. In this case, the saying ‘If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all!’ is absolutely correct.

Posting all day, every day isn’t a strategy that works anymore, if it ever worked at all. Posting relevant and valuable content that resonates with your audience is a better approach.

2. Ignoring Comments And Messages

Yes, it’s important to post consistently and to have a presence online, but if you are simply posting and not engaging, you are missing the mark.

Failing to engage with your audience’s comments and messages can make them feel neglected, and unimportant and that they mean nothing to you. 

Respond promptly and thoughtfully, showing that you value their input and interaction, is the way to keep a happy follower.

3. Using Too Much Jargon

Slang is extremely popular online and with social media users, especially the younger generation! When posting online it’s best to keep it simple.

Communicate in a language that your audience understands and that doesn’t have them googling to understand what you are trying to say.

Avoid using industry jargon that might alienate your audience. Your goal is to connect with your audience and potential buyers and followers, not to confuse them.

4. Inconsistent Branding

Branding is SO IMPORTANT when it comes to social media and to being recognized by your potential customers and clients.

Inconsistency in your brand's tone, visuals, or messaging can confuse your audience and dilute your brand identity.

Maintaining a cohesive brand across all social platforms is 100% needed in today’s world.

5. Being Too Salesy

We all need to generate revenue—that’s the main purpose for most businesses and brands, right? But being overly salesy and trying to sell all day, every day isn’t going to cut it!

Pushing sales and promotional content excessively can completely turn off your audience and have them hitting the unfollow button. This is why it’s important to balance your posts with valuable, informative, or entertaining content that genuinely engages your followers and keeps them coming back.

6. Ignoring Analytics

Many businesses, brands and entrepreneurs don’t even look at their insights and analytics and that’s a scary thought!

Not analyzing or even looking at your social media performance is a pretty grave mistake.

A business, brand or entrepreneur should be regularly checking their analytics to understand what works and what doesn't, then adjust the social media strategy accordingly or PIVOT as they say.

7. Automated, Robotic Responses

Social Media was created to be social not to be unresponsive or replaced by automated responses, AI or robots all the time.

Yes, it may save time, but it lacks the personal touch that many are looking for online.

There is a time and a place for automated responses. Authenticity and genuine real interactions should be the priority in your social media marketing.

8. Lack Of Visual Appeal

Posts that lack visually appealing elements such as images, videos, or infographics may not grab attention.

With programs such as canva, AI tools and editing tools there is no excuse to post content that is blurry and not on brand.

If you haven’t been doing this, it’s time to Incorporate visuals that align with your brand and message to captivate your audience and to have them stop the scroll at your posts and not simply ignore and miss them.

9. Ignoring Trending Topics

Trending Topics started a few years ago and the popularity hasn’t slowed down.

If you thought you could ignore trending topics, you really can’t. Failing to tap into trending topics relevant to your industry or audience interests can make your content appear out of touch and outdated.

Stay current and leverage trends where appropriate, this is especially important for reels and TikTok.

10. Not Encouraging User-Generated Content

I’ve said this a million times, and I will continue to say it! User-generated content is some of the best content that a brand or business can use!

It’s not you singing your praises, it’s your customers and followers singing your praises, and it goes a long way.

Overlooking the power of user-generated content can deprive your brand of valuable engagement and trust. Encouraging your audience to share their experiences and creations related to your brand is a MUST.

At the end of the day, being successful on social media isn’t something that you can whip up like a homemade Halloween costume, where you go through your closet, grab a few things, grab another few things while thrifting, look briefly on the internet and voila - a perfectly acceptable costume.

Being successful on social media involves a deep understanding of your ideal audience and what they like! 

By avoiding these spooky pitfalls and focusing on genuine engagement and quality content, you can effectively connect with your audience and grow your brand's presence in this digital world that grows every day!

Still confused and wish you had you could chat all things social media with an expert? Book your Spook-tacular Social Media Bundle and let’s get your social media marketing working for you and not against you.


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