30 Instagram Stories Prompts

When asked what my favourite platform is, and why, I always lean toward Instagram. While I use all of the platforms for my business, Instagram is the one I find myself using most in my personal time. 

There are many reasons why this platform is a stand-out for me, but the main reason I love it is Instagram Stories! I love watching them and keeping my audience up to date with my own, often falling down the rabbit hole just watching the stories at the top of my feed. 

With any additional feature, I get questions from business owners on how they can use Instagram stories for promoting their products or services. And how often should they be posting? 

After getting so much positive feedback from my last post 15 Ideas For Going ‘Live’ On Social Media I decided this week to give you 30 Instagram Story ideas that you can use right away. 

What exactly are Instagram Stories?

“Instagram Stories are an Instagram feature that enables users to post content (either an image or a video) that disappears after 24 hours (unless it’s saved to your highlights).

These stories don’t show up on your profile grid and they aren’t displayed within the normal feed. Instead, they show up as little bubbles at the top of your Instagram screen. You can click on a story to view it and then click or swipe through stories from other users to your right in succession. (source

300 million people use Instagram Stories every single day. That means the platform is now almost double the size of its most direct competitor, Snapchat, which has 158 million daily users.


Now that you know what an Instagram story is, let’s dig into 30 Instagram Stories Ideas that you can start sharing today!

  1. Introduce yourself via video or designed images. Use a few and save them to an ‘about me’ highlight on your feed. 

  2. Share a random fact about you. 

  3. Spend a whole day sharing ‘Day in the life’ feedback. 

  4. Use the ‘Ask me anything’ feature and invite people to ask you questions. Answer them on your stories. 

  5. Highlight your favourite foods to make during a cooking night. 

  6. Alternatively, head out to your fave restaurant and take stories of your experience. 

  7. Showcase some of your favourite things to do on a weekend

  8. Favourite Books or what you are currently reading

  9. Your opinion on something that is relevant to your industry

  10.  Make a list of things you’re tackling today as a ‘to do’ list to share. 

  11. Hacks that make your life easier

  12. Promote your business/newsletter/freebie as a video or image

  13. Share current trends in your industry

  14. DIY Tutorial on something you do regularly

  15. Your Morning/Day or evening routines that make your life run smoother

  16. Behind the scenes of your business. 

  17. Share about your significant other, family, kids or pets (Make sure to ask if they’re comfortable being on your social media presence, especially if you’re involving younger family members) 

  18. Holiday Decor as the seasons’ change

  19. Do a poll or Ask a Question sticker related to your industry

  20. Share someone else’s post that inspires you

  21. Quotes that inspire you

  22. Shout out to your favourite local business

  23. Promote your business/service to your audience sparingly

  24. Something that made you laugh (use the airplane button to share to your story)

  25. Promote a blog post, podcast or video (yours or someone else)

  26. Share some of your favourite influencers, bloggers or other IG accounts and tell your audience to follow them. 

  27. Provide a sneak peek of something coming up in your business

  28. Fill out a template (someone else’s or create your own) 

  29. Do a This or That Questionnaire template and share it with your logo attached

  30. Share a testimonial or client review to promote your business or service

Whether you love stories or hate them, it doesn’t change the stats. 1 in 3 daily Instagram users says they have bought in a product they saw on Stories. No matter your industry, there is a way to make stories work for your business—you just need to find the kind of posts that will work for you. 

Want an example of how stories can promote your business? Let’s connect on Instagram.


7 ways to use Instagram for your Business


15 Ideas For Going ‘Live’ On Social Media