First Name
Last Name
Client Email
About The Client's business, website if they have one
Client's desired objectives around social media (i.e. Build reputation, sell products, find new collaborators, promote business or service, etc.)
Client Competitors - Who they like, who they don't, who they want to be like in 5 years.
Target audience? (Age, Sex, Income, Location, Job, Level of education, etc.)
Social platforms they want to use:
Facebook Personal
Facebook Business
Instagram Personal
Instagram Business
Who is going to control the social accounts for this client? (i.e. do they want management or just strategy)
List all social media items they would like to have included and suggestions recommended to them for their social media accounts.
Do they need additional services: (Website, blog, newsletter, graphic design, social media management, group management, follow up audit, one-on-one coaching? Note any suggestions recommended during the meeting in this space)
What other details should be known about your business before we book our meeting?
IF WEBSITE SERVICES: Get a rough idea of what they want to have a website do, if it will be an e-commerce website or just a regular website, and what functions do they want the website to take off their plate:
IF NEWSLETTER: What service do they want to use, do they have branding already, do they have high quality photography, Do they want to include a 3 month strategy with their social media?