Reasons why you should attend The Swell Atlantic Conference

As a small business owner and social media professional for over eight years now, one thing I’ve learned is that I thrive—like I completely geek out—when surrounded by like-minded people who love to talk business! 

After a few years of mostly zoom meetings and few conferences, I am itching for those live events, conferences, and lunches to talk business and make new connections!  

So when my pals Krista Montelpare and Heather Deveaux approached me at Social Media Day Halifax to bring a content creators event to Cape Breton, I was ALL in! Enjoying autumn in Cape Breton while meeting new people who want to grow their business, learn from others, and collaborate? Yes, please! 

So while enjoying the summer, we have also been working behind the scenes planning The Swell Atlantic Conference taking place on October 21 in Sydney, NS. Here are 5 reasons you need to—not should—attend The Swell Conference on October 21st. 

1. It’s the first and only conference of its kind to ever come to Cape Breton

While many local conferences focus on women in business, small business or economic growth, The Swell Atlantic Conference is focused on everything to do with/for Creatives and Creators, making it unique to the Eastern region of Canada.

2. Network with fellow local business owners, entrepreneurs and creatives

This is a unique opportunity to meet like-minded business owners, entrepreneurs, creatives, bloggers & influencers, make a meaningful connection during the event, and then keep building the relationship online.

No major event of this kind has happened in Cape Breton since 2019, which means there will be so many networking opportunities to meet new people who weren’t even in the creative space in 2019. There are opportunities for collaborations, connections and business! 

3. Learn from experts in the industry

At The Swell Atlantic Conference, you will have opportunities to ask presenters specific questions during each session/workshop. You can feel good about the experts available because the team at The Swell has done the research for you!

With more than 25 applicants, they have chosen the best-of-the-best to teach you about the topics that you have requested more information about to implement in your business.

4. The venue

With this event being hosted at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion, you can expect that there will be plenty of space available and so many Instagrammable moments!

From the big fiddle to the water views to the art—there is something for everyone and every brand!   

5. It’s been WAY too long

Have we mentioned there hasn’t been an event like this since 2019? We have not all been in one room/building together since then, and it’s about time we get back together! Bring an open mind, water bottle, pen/notepad and let’s geek out. 

If that’s not enough to encourage you to join us—I’ll also be giving a presentation! I can’t wait to see you all there.

Getting ready for your event

  • Follow the other attendees

  • Follow the hashtag #SwellAtlanticConference #ItComesInWaves

  • Follow sponsors

  • Build connections and engagement before attending the event

  • Get ready for all the content you’re going to be able to create at this live event by reading this article.


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