3 things to do on Instagram daily

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social media application that was launched in 2010 by Kevin Systrom. It launched for Apple products only, and then expanded to other phone operating systems in 2012. Instagram is no longer the new kid on the block (lookin' at you TikTok), it's undoubtedly the platform I get asked about most. 

While everyone's told that they need to be on Instagram, many are still struggling with how to figure out this section of The Big Three. 

It's such an image-heavy platform that many aren't sure how often to post, how to make their business relate to images in a feed, what the heck are stories and how do you make them work—the list goes on. 

There's another thing that comes up often when it comes to Instagram, and that's the magic 10k. At 10,000 followers, you unlock a host of new features for your account. Which makes a lot of people say that Instagram is only worth it when you get to that magic number. 

My unpopular opinion: That's not even a little true. 

Being successful on Instagram isn't just about follower count. You can buy those afterall. 

The big success comes from how engaged your audience is and what quality of content you're putting out. 

Don't overthink Instagram

It's easy to be intimidated into overthinking it when it comes to your content on Instagram. But there are a few simple things you can tackle when you first get started on a daily and weekly basis to make it more manageable. 

These are my three top tips for getting my clients and students started on this app: 


1. Post on a regular basis

It seems simple, right? But posting on a regular basis means different things to different people. 

The average business/brand should be posting 3-5 times a week so long as they have an appropriate amount of visual content to make it worth the post. 

Things like well-photographed lifestyle photos of your products or behind-the-scenes photos that share an inside look at your business do well when translated to a visual format. 

The thing to remember is quality over quantity. If you find you're running out of things to post, maybe posting regularly means posting once a week for your business. 


2. Engage and Comment Daily

Just posting great content isn't going to cut it. Social media—and Instagram in particular—is all about connections, conversations and building relationships. 

It's important to comment on your follower's posts as well as posting your own content. Each of your comments should be well-thought-out, not just a thumbs-up emoji. The algorithm doesn't recognize these comments as authentic or engaging, so spending your time on low-quality comments is not recommended. 

Be as authentic as you can. Use their name if it's available on their profile, make sure your comment is specific to the subject of the photo and make sure to follow up on any comments they write back. 

Spending time on authentic commenting will increase your reputation, not just with Instagram but also with your audience. 


3. Keep a list of hashtags

Using appropriate hashtags is a huge opportunity I see a lot of business owners missing. 

Search once a week and find out what hashtags are being used by your specific industry. Find people who are doing what you want to be doing and see what hashtags they use. Look at the most engaged audience in your industry and make a note of their commonly used hashtags. 

Keep this list up-to-date and use only what hashtags are most appropriate for your posts. While #Love is the most popular hashtag on Instagram, it's not appropriate to use on an image of, say, a shipping container coming into port. 

And don't forget to use branded hashtags as well. Some I use are #KASocialMedia #KASocialMediaConsulting #TrainedByKASocialMedia

Bonus: That magic link

With every post that you put on social media, you always want to make sure there is a goal associated with your post. 

In most cases, you'll be asking them to sign up for a newsletter or an event. Buy tickets to your event or enroll in an online course. 

Whatever that call-to-action might be, make it easier for your audience by updating the link in your bio so they can easily navigate to the appropriate place online. 

Not sure what your call-to-action might be? Book a 1-on-1 consult to map your your perfect strategy.


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