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Instagram’s ‘Photo Dump’ Trend

When it comes to Instagram we have certainly seen trends that have started on this platform and then moved onto other platforms. Even if you’re not participating, it’s easy to track their popularity as the trend rises and falls. 

One of the recent trends to hit our Instagram feeds has been the “ Photo Dump.” According to Later.com an Instagram photo dump is: 

“Technically speaking, a photo dump is an Instagram carousel post. However, it's the type of content in the carousel that qualifies it as a "dump". Rather than perfectly edited photos and videos, a photo dump is a low-effort, random collection – up to 10 slides – that conveys a story or mood.”

I don’t know about you, but after the last few years of perfect Instagram grids, I’m all in for a photo dump once in a while! 

Like everything else, this ‘lazy day’ trend should be used sparingly for business owners. Mix it in with your usual educational and personable content. 

So, why are photo dumps a thing? 

After a few years of struggling to find those perfect ‘Instagrammable’ moments, I’m not the only one who’s a little over that perfect Instagram feed. 

Enter: The photo dump; a relatable way to convey our lockdown days: Everyone was living in their houses, doing the same thing day in and out, so the perfection of pictures also went out the door! 

The trend, along with the hashtag attached, has gained popularity since 2020, with the hashtag having  + 1.2M posts.

Photo dumps are very easy to create without too much planning. Look at your camera roll, what did you do over the weekend? Went out to eat, went on a hike, went on a coffee date with a friend, watched a movie, and read a book—Voila, the perfect photo dump! 

Having a bunch of different things in your photo dump also gives you a better chance to connect with different people. From the examples I mentioned above, you could connect with coffee drinkers, movie/book lovers, hikers, foodies, and the list goes on!

Photo dump example from The Swell Atlantic Conference

Here are a few things to think about when planning a Photo Dump:

#1: Set A Goal

Decide what you want your photo dump to include and how you want it to look. 

Are you showing off your weekend plans? A recent visit to another city/town? An event? Concert?

Before you start finding content to use, think about what you want to achieve with this photo dump. Do you want more engagement? More followers? Just doing it for fun? 

#2: Plan Your Photo Dump Content

Even though you are literally dumping 5-10 pictures into a post, you still need to know what order you want them to appear in. 

Even if they don’t necessarily make a difference in what order they appear, you should pick a better picture for the first image that will appear on your grid. 

Your first picture should be something that entices your followers to click and want to see what other pictures you have included.

Photo dumps are great for showcasing behind-the-scenes content, sharing an announcement or offering a sneak peek.

#3. You have a goal and a plan now it’s time for the caption

Once you’ve picked your desired pictures, now the fun part comes. It’s time to curate the perfect caption that matches the picture choices.

Once you have your pictures, your goals are set, the caption is done, and voila! You have created your first photo dump. 

Whether you’re launching something new or you simply want to share your day-to-day with your followers, photo dumps are an excellent way to gain visibility and connect with your community in a fun and easy way!

Not sure what to include in your photo dump? Let’s book a brainstorming session ($150 + taxes.)