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A Social Media Consultant’s Holiday Book List

Wow, what a year, huh?

It seems like I’ve been saying that for a few years now, but this year I’m especially excited to practice what I preach and shut down my online presence for a nice holiday break with my friends and family—with lots of quiet time to cozy up with a good book.

And since this is the last blog post of 2022, I wanted to share with you some of the business books waiting for me on my nightstand. And, of course, encourage you to take some time to rest over the holidays as well.

Get your sh*t together

by Sarah Knight

The book of (holiday) AWESOME

By Neil Pasricha

Everybody Writes 2

By Ann Handley

You are a BADASS

By Jen Sincero

Start at the end

By Matt Wallaert

What customers crave

By Nicholas J. Webb

This is marketing audiobook

By Seth Godin

Atomic Habits

By James Clear

Building a story brand

By Donald Miller

Before you wonder if I’m going to read ALL of these during the holiday—no, haha. I’m aiming to read 1 or 2, but I haven’t decided which ones quite yet.

Which Books are on your reading list for the holidays or in 2023?

Happy holidays and happy Reading!