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Getting Your Social Media Ready For Summer Vacation

As a mom and a business owner with over a decade of experience in social media consulting, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to balance work and family life—especially during the summer when the kids are home and the beach is calling.

While it’s tempting to take a complete break from social media, staying active online is crucial.

Do you need to post daily? Not necessarily. However, maintaining some presence is essential to avoid starting from scratch with engagement come September.

So, how can you manage your social media while still enjoying your summer break?

Plan Your Social Media Around Your Vacation

Set an Away Message

Inform your clients about your summer schedule by setting an away message for your phone, email, and social media.

Clearly communicate your availability and expected response times.

If you're not taking new clients until September, make sure this information is displayed on your email auto-reply, phone message, website, and social media channels.

Planning to launch a new service in the fall? Set up automated messages and sign-up forms now, allowing your programs to fill up while you’re on a break.

Plan, Plan, Plan!

Identify tasks that need completion over the summer.

What projects require promotion? At KA Social Media, I pre-write and schedule bi-weekly blogs and newsletters in advance.

List everything that needs doing and break it down into manageable daily or weekly tasks, freeing up blocks of time for your summer break.

Plan out your content schedule to make sure you pre-create/record enough to get you through the summer. Consider some of the following ideas:

  • Share Your Time Off: Don't be afraid to share glimpses of your time off with your audience. Whether you're checking emails at the cottage or taking Fridays off, turn it into a brand story. This humanizes your brand and lightens your content calendar load.

  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Encourage your followers to share their experiences with your products or services. Create a branded hashtag and ask customers to use it when posting about your business. This will keep your content fresh and build a community around your brand.

  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers or brand ambassadors to take over your social media accounts for a day or week. This provides fresh content and introduces your brand to their followers, expanding your reach.

  • Use Stories and Reels: Create a batch of short, engaging content for Instagram Stories and Reels before your break. These formats are quick and easy to consume, and scheduling them keeps your audience entertained without constant effort.

  • Repurpose Existing Content: Don’t stress about creating new content from scratch. Repurpose your best-performing posts, blogs, or videos. Turn a popular blog post into a series of social media posts, or create an infographic from a well-received article.

  • Schedule "Throwback" Posts: Use the summer to reflect on your business’s journey. Schedule "Throwback Thursday" posts showcasing your growth, past events, or favourite memories. This will fill your content calendar and reinforce your brand story.

  • Host a Q&A Session: Before your break, record a Q&A session answering common questions from your audience. Schedule these videos periodically, keeping your followers informed and engaged while you’re away.

  • Highlight Customer Testimonials: Schedule posts featuring positive customer testimonials. These fill your content calendar and build trust and credibility with potential customers.

  • Plan a “Behind-the-Scenes” Series: Give your audience a peek behind the curtain with behind-the-scenes posts. Showcase how your products are made, introduce your team, or share your workspace. This personal touch strengthens your connection with your followers.

Pre-Schedule Content

Scheduling content is a game-changer.

Look at your calendar and pinpoint key events, holidays, and promotions you want to highlight over the summer.

Once you've mapped out the topics, create the content, gather the visuals, and schedule everything in advance.

Tools like Meta Business Suite, Buffer, Hootsuite, and Later can be lifesavers.

Planning a complete social media break? Let your followers know, and share a few updates or photos of your summer adventures to keep them engaged.

Hire Short-Term Help

Feeling overwhelmed? Consider hiring a part-time student, employee, or virtual assistant.

Delegate tasks like invoicing, inbox management, or social media updates, ensuring your business runs smoothly while you enjoy your summer.

Automate Email Marketing

Automating your email marketing complements your social media efforts. Set up a series of automated emails to keep your subscribers engaged, highlight key content, and promote upcoming events or offers.

Engage with Your Community

Even if you’re not posting as frequently, make time to engage with your audience. Respond to comments, like posts, and show appreciation for your followers. This can be done in short bursts, ensuring your community feels valued.

Using the summer to plan ahead?

By incorporating these strategies, you can maintain a strong social media presence while enjoying a well-deserved summer break.

To make planning even simpler, check out The Social Media Content Planner. This dateless planner can help you prepare for a busy fall while enjoying your summer to the fullest.

Enjoy your summer break, and remember: a well-rested you is the best gift you can give your business.