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Daily, weekly, monthly, and annual checklist for Linkedin

As one of the largest professional networking platforms in the world, LinkedIn offers countless opportunities for individuals and businesses to connect with peers, showcase their expertise, and expand their professional networks. 

However, as we’ve been discussing over the past couple of newsletters, many people don't realize the full potential of the platform or fail to take advantage of it. Many of us think that, because we’re not looking for a job, that there isn’t a point in spending much time over there. 


LinkedIn is one of the best platforms to be on if you want to build your network without increasing your in-person networking events each month! 

Being a small business owner myself, I know that wearing many hats doesn’t always leave time to do ALL the things that the experts are suggesting that we do. However, today, I’m giving you a suggested list of things you can do daily, weekly and monthly to make LinkedIn a little easier to navigate and to help you out in the long run. Let’s dive in!

Things to do on LinkedIn daily, weekly, monthly and annually to maximize your presence and engagement:


LinkedIn is a great way to keep up to date on industry news and see what your contacts have been up to. Interacting with your feed really only takes a couple of minutes—just click over, scroll on down, and write a quick “congratulations” for new positions or promotions or click “like” on interesting news or articles others have posted.

The more interactions that you do, the more your name and comments will appear, which means you may become top of mind to people when they need someone in ____ industry etc.

“Out of sight, out of mind” definitely applies when it comes to LinkedIn: if you’re invisible, aka not doing anything after you have set up your account on LinkedIn, your name won’t come to mind when your network needs you. 

Here’s what to do each day: 

  1. Update your status, post something or comment on other people’s posts.

  2. Check your notifications and respond to any messages or connection requests.

  3. Engage with your network by liking, commenting, and sharing posts.

  4. Post content on your feed or in groups related to your industry or interests.

  5. Search for and connect with new people in your industry or with similar interests.

  6. Interact With Your Homepage Feed

Friendly reminder that you should be updating your profile or at least reviewing it on a regular basis and making sure it is still correct before you attract more eyeballs and connections to your account!


  1. Write and publish an article on a topic related to your industry or area of expertise.

  2. Join and participate in LinkedIn groups related to your industry or interests.

  3. Review and update your profile to ensure that it is up-to-date and accurately reflects your experience and skills.

  4. Reach out to a few new people in your network to schedule a virtual coffee or informational interview.


  1. Analyze your LinkedIn metrics to understand how your content is performing and adjust your strategy as necessary.

  2. Follow and engage with industry leaders and influencers in your field.

  3. Attend virtual events and webinars related to your industry and connect with other attendees.

  4. Seek out and apply to job opportunities on LinkedIn if you are actively job searching.


  1. Update your photo

  2. Update your Summary (About page)

  3. Update your experience, volunteer work, accreditations

  4. Record accomplishments

  5. Reevaluate your groups

  6. Reevaluate your connections

To create the habit of LinkedIn and to make the most of your limited time on there. I suggest the following:

Set a specific time of day to check LinkedIn. This will then become a habit, and then it will happen and not be forgotten about or skipped. For example, you brush your teeth after eating or waking up, so make that habit with LinkedIn. Going on LinkedIn every lunch hour or every day at 10 am. 

If you add it to your schedule, it will get done! You don’t need to spend hours on LinkedIn; even 10 minutes a day or 30 minutes a week will make a huge difference if you are not spending any time on LinkedIn at the moment.

Set your phone or alarm to remind you it’s LinkedIn time! If you want to spend 10 minutes a day, then set the alarm for that specific time slot.

So if you have been sitting on your LinkedIn account since you set it up a few years ago, it’s time to dust it off and start making connections and having conversations.

Want the checklist? Click below to download it.