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Getting back to your business routines after a break

Since becoming an entrepreneur almost 7 years ago, it’s become an annual tradition to get excited over September. Back to school time for us might not involve pencils and new bookbags but it does mean it’s time to get back to business.

Many business owners take a load off in the summer. It’s what we work so hard for the rest of the year, right?! Shorter work days, limited meetings, more casual attire and maybe even sneaking out to the beach for lunch with the family on a Wednesday.

So how do we give it up to get back to work and make the most out of the last quarter of the year?

Here’s my advice: Do it slowly and with ease! Jumping in at 100% when your body and your mind aren’t ready may not be the best idea.

Here are 10 tips to help you get back to business:

1) Do an office clean

Yup, you’ve heard me. Clean that desk. Remove that clutter. Put things back in place. Remove all the things your kids brought to your “office” during the summer! Get organized because a tidy desk = tidy mind

This will help get you in the work mode and you will be ready to tackle your daily growing To-Do list that you've been avoiding all summer!

2) Create a to-do list

Speaking of To-Do Lists, Make 1 or multiple lists of all the things that you need and want to get done!

Have a MUST be done list (daily, weekly, monthly). This will help you prioritize what needs ASAP and what can wait. No need to stress yourself with a million things and thinking it all needs to be done right now.

With multiple lists (today, tomorrow, next week, next month) you’ll feel more organized and then you can focus on what needs to be done right now.

I don’t know about you but crossing things off the list, even small tasks, makes me feel amazing!

3) Be gentle with yourself

Whatever you do, do not—I repeat, do not—jump into your first days back from vacation trying to do all the things. Just because you’re well-rested doesn’t mean you’re back to 100% capacity that you were before the summer lull.

I recommend that you ease yourself back into a routine by doing something you enjoy first before you tackle all the tasks that are waiting for you. For me, that’s grabbing a yummy drink or snack before getting down to business.

4) Just check your emails

I don’t know about you but my inbox has been a little fuller than I would have liked it this summer! So grab your yummy drink/treat and just do it!

The goal is organizing, not tackling here. Delete what can be deleted. Sort what emails need to be handled first and write things down on your to-do list as you go through your inbox.

5) Avoid client work

This may not be possible but I always tell clients that I’m actually on vacation for an extra day than I actually am! I like to have that extra day to get organized, sort emails, set my schedule and then get my brain ready for clients.

Set boundaries for yourself. Let yourself procrastinate with work tasks. Don’t dive straight into client work but instead reply to emails, write that blog post, write your newsletter, plan your social media, and do admin work! Get organized in your business and then work with your clients.

6) Reconnect with your network

Either in person, online or a simple email—connect with colleagues or networking partners/friends. Chat about how summer went and what plans they have for the last quarter of the year.

Nothing like talking about your plans and dreams with like-minded people to actually be motivated to do them!

7) Get out of the house

If you don’t have a designated space in your house or tackling that office is causing you anxiety, head out to a coffee shop or a co-working space for a few hours! Grab your laptop, notebook and make sure to have your favourite drink/snack with you.

8) Take some time for yourself

Give yourself the time and space to plan and set new goals. Think about what you want the last quarter to look like for you and your business. Think about what projects you want to tackle: do you want to launch a new program, a mastermind group, create an actual product?

When you know what you want to achieve it will be easier to put the tasks in motion! Get inspired by your work again, rather than feeling the deadline dread straight away.

9) Leave room for ideas

I don't know about you, but summer always gives me the headspace to actually think of new ideas. I always think of all the things that I would love to do and then when September comes I actually sit down and see what’s feasible and what will be a next-year project.

10) Plan a Lunch Date

Meet up with one of your business besties, your assistant, your husband/wife or simply take yourself out for lunch! Eat some of your favourite foods, congratulate yourself on a job well done and for all the amazing things you have planned for the rest of the year! And give yourself credit for what you have accomplished so far.

At the end of the day, it’s important to give yourself a break and realize that to be successful you don’t need to work 365 days a year, 24/7. The hustle isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, so take your time getting back into the swing of things!