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6 tips I’ve learned in business over the last year

It’s a brand new year and while we’re off to a rocky start—but this time we have experience in dealing with this sort of thing. We have come out on top before and we can do it again! 

I love having a fresh new year to look forward to, so to make sure you start your year off right, I wanted to break down my top 7 favourite tips from our blog posts in 2021.

Tip #1: Have the proper equipment and tools: 

We are still working from home and I predict that will be happening for a while now. If you haven’t invested in the proper equipment to work from home, this year is the year! 

When this year started, did I think I would still be teaching students and chatting with clients from the spare bedroom? No. But investing in a second computer screen, getting a mic and video quality lights in 2021 gives me the confidence I’ll make things work this year!

Here are some tools and equipment that make working from home easier.

Tip #2: Hit publish on that video:

Video—especially on Instagram and TikTok—is not going anywhere in 2022. If nothing else, they are increasing by the day. If your brand or business hasn’t started using stories, Instagram reels or created a TikTok account, you are being left behind and your competition is snagging your potential leads. 

Tip #3: Branch out from Social Media:

Remember that time that Facebook, Instagram and whats app was down for more than 6 hours? Did you start panicking and thinking it wasn’t coming back? How would you reach your clients, your students and still run your business without them? 

Have a way that you can reach your audience without relying on social media. Yes, Social media is great, (I have built my whole business around it) BUT we don’t own it! Start your newsletter or email list and reach your potential clients directly in your inbox! (Need help getting started? Hit reply and I’ll introduce you to my design team.) 

Tip #4: Always be brainstorming: 

If the last 2 years has taught us anything, it’s that you need to be thinking about what’s next—or what could happen—and make plans for your business. Always be brainstorming about what your business could be doing next!

Tip #5: Don’t reinvent the wheel:

Once you’ve been in business for awhile, you probably have a lot of built up content that you can re-use and re-purpose

For example, if a business owner has been blogging or contributing blogs for several years, they have plenty of content to flip into a podcast or regular educational newsletter or even an online course. 

Tip #6: Plan, Plan, Plan:

If you have been reading my blog posts, following me on social media or reading my newsletters you know that I’m a planner and absolutely love to pre-plan whenever I can! 

Planning is the key to success for any small business owner and making sure you come at any problem with consistent action is the best way to ensure success.  I have even created a physical planner to help you all plan your 2022!

Find positivity for the New Year: 

Whatever your business plan for 2022 is, I’m excited to see what kind of content you’ll be coming out with! I’m personally looking forward to more collaborations, group discussions and brainstorming more than ever before.

And if you’re reading this and realizing that it might be time to start reinvesting last year’s success into your business, here are the ways that I can help you in 2022.