KA Social Media

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10 Low-Effort ways to improve your social media

Let’s clear something up. Social media isn’t free. When someone says “All businesses need to be on all social media platforms because it’s free”, they’re forgetting about the time you’re taking out of your day or the money you’re paying to have a professional handle your social media for you. 

The idea that you need to be on ALL social media can be scrapped as well. Because if you don’t have a single person on your team handling just your social media, you’re not likely to see a benefit of posting by using all the platforms available. 

It is true that you should be on some social media platforms. As I’ve discussed, defining your demographics is important in choosing your platforms. The next step is choosing what will work for you to post consistently. 

Here are 10 Low-Effort ways to improve your social media presence

1. Have Complete and Active Social Media Profiles

Make sure that all your information is filled in on your profiles (address, email, phone number, business hours) and make sure your about section is filled in and that anyone looking at your page knows what your business is and what services/products you offer right away. You have one chance at a first impression so make sure it’s a good one!

2. Be On the Right Social Media Channels

There are multiple platforms, but without a dedicated social media person on your team, it’s hard to be on all of them. (And even then, it’s rare that you would aim to be on all of them anyway.) Make sure you are on the channels that your target audience is hanging out on! Not sure who your target audience is? Check out this article.

3. Be Consistent

What is consistent for one business may not be the same for another business! Make sure you are posting on a regular basis, and have the same brand colours, messaging and voice on all platforms and marketing efforts.

4. Engage Daily

While posting every day on every platform has changed you should still be checking your feeds every day for new comments and making time to reply and engage with new accounts.

5. Follow the 80/20 rule when it comes to your content

80% of your content should be: Educational, Entertaining, Informative and Engaging while 20% of your content should be sales/promotional

6. User Generated Content

User-Generated Content is the best type of content because it’s not you telling your audience that you are amazing and that your products are a must-have, it’s other accounts—your clients, your cheerleaders—screaming at the rooftop telling your audience how amazing you are!

7. Professional Pictures

Most people have a cell phone with a nearly professional-level camera at their fingertips at all times! There is no excuse for blurry pictures anymore. Take pictures with your phone, use editing software or hire a professional to take pictures of you, your business and your products or services. Your online presence is your first impression and you want it to be a good one.

8. Embrace Video (Pre-Recorded & Live)

I have been preaching this for years. Video is here and it’s not going anywhere! If you haven’t embraced video yet it’s time to do so. Pre-record your videos, go live, hit that stories button or record video while you are going through your regular day-to-day!

9. Use Hashtags and Emojis

Hashtags and emojis are the same as videos—they aren’t going anywhere! Need help with what hashtags to use each day of the week? Download this FREE cheat sheet to give you hashtags for every day of the week.

10. Think Like Your Customer

Lastly, think like your customer! What do you like to see when you go into a restaurant? A new hair salon? A store? Do you like to know the specials beforehand?

Think about how you like to be treated and make sure that is what your business or brand is accomplishing for your audience.

Not sure where to start with setting your social media goals? Let’s book your brainstorming session!