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10 things to do on LinkedIn weekly

Are you a business owner, an entrepreneur, a freelancer or someone working in a corporate position looking to make connections, collaborations and partnerships? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you should be actively using your LinkedIn account. 

LinkedIn is a business networking platform for job seekers and professionals. Over the years, it has become a vital part of business networking, with some users saying that it has changed the networking landscape overall and made it easier to connect with others. We live in a relationship/connections-based world and LinkedIn is the perfect platform to build and leverage meaningful connections. 

Whether you're looking for more sales, clients or to build your professional profile and reputation, here are 10 things you can do to find success on this platform: 

Here’s 10 things to help you be more successful on LinkedIn: 

1. Update your profile photo, summary, and headline regularly 

It’s very important that your information is as updated as possible! 

  • Did you get your haircut? 

  • Change your hair colour? 

  • Changed jobs? 

  • New brand colours? 

Update that information and make it easy for viewers to know exactly who you are and what your expertise is.

2. Update your status/Share an activity (post)

This is not the platform to post what you had for dinner, unless that dinner included connecting with other’s in your industry and the photos you’re posting aren’t of the food.

Post about what you’ve been up to. Think: Webinars, recent blog posts, networking event recaps, etc. 

3. Send a connection request to someone you are looking to connect with and get to know better

Reach out to people daily or weekly and don’t forget to personalize your request. Example: adding a note like ‘I'm expanding my network on LinkedIn, and as we're both based in Nova Scotia, it made sense to reach out to you. Can we connect?’ or ‘We both attended Social Media Day Halifax, and I’d love to stay in touch.’)

4. Check your existing connections 

Who have you not spoken to in a while? Have they changed jobs? Do they know what you are doing now? Reconnect with old colleagues, friends, and people you went to high school or university with.

5. Check notifications

This is very important on LinkedIn, the notifications show you quite a bit and you will be able to see posts that are performing well and conversations that are happening that you may be interested in or be able to show your expertise in.

6. Check your newsfeed 

This one is very important and works differently than other platforms. The more you comment, react to and share, the more your followers and connections will see what you are up to and what you are interested in. This is a perfect opportunity to set yourself up as an expert in your industry and make new connections.

7. Check your connection requests and who has looked at your profile recently. 

Take the time to review connection requests and views. 

  • Do you have any new requests? 

  • Have you checked them out to see if they would be a good connection? 

  • Has anyone looked at your profile? 

See why they were checking you out or connecting with you—there’s potential for work or collaborations in the future.

8. Endorse or even recommend your connections. 

Endorsements are good but recommendations are even better! Have you recommended anyone recently? Get in the habit of doing this on a regular basis. If you start doing it for others, they may recommend and endorsing you!

9. Check your LinkedIn groups / join new ones

You can be in up to 50 groups, so make sure you are commenting and liking where appropriate. This will set you up as a thought leader/expert in your field and can connect you with other like-minded people. You never know where this could lead! 

10. Follow thought leaders, company pages or people that you would like to do business with or learn more about

Expand your reach and grow your network.

LinkedIn is very different from other social media platforms. It is not the place to post your food pictures, your selfies, or your recipes. It’s the place with connections are made, collaborations are discussed and business is done.